European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies

Anaesthesia & Pain Management
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About Anaesthesia and Pain Management

Individual Courses and Comprehensive Study

Individual Courses and Comprehensive Study Program

The ESAVS Anaesthesiology courses are dedicated to veterinarians in practice or in academia willing to deepen their knowledge and hone their practical skills in anaesthesiology. The study program consists currently of 2 one-week modules. Courses are composed of a mix of theory, interactive clicker sessions, group work and practice on anaesthesia equipment and cadavers. Time is dedicated to interactive and practical training under the supervision of and in discussion with course masters and instructors, all internationally recognized European or American specialists.

After attending the program, participants shall have acquired sufficient knowledge not only to face most of the current pre-, peri- and postoperative anaesthesia challenges. But also to have gains some practical skills that allows them to provide state-of-the-art anaesthesia.

Anaesthesiology courses I and II can be taken in any order. Both courses complement each other but do not depend on each other.

Anaesthesia and Pain Management I
This course focuses on the anaesthesia machine and monitoring, anaesthetic drugs and protocols, local anaesthesia, perioperative management in healthy and diseased patients as well as cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, participants 1) shall know how anaesthetic equipment and drugs work and how they are used in healthy and diseased small animal patients, 2) know how to improve perianaesthetic management in their hospital, 3) are able to provide CPR, 4) are able to perform commonly used local anaesthetic techniques.
Anaesthesia and Pain Management II
This course focuses on the physiology of ventilation, oxygenation and pain. Further, anaesthesia of small animal species including birds and reptiles are discussed. In an interactive way, perioperative complications, monitoring and case management as well as perioperative fluid management is presented and discussed.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, participants 1) should know how to properly use and set an anaesthesia machine and ventilate a patient, 2) know how to anaesthetise several small mammal species, birds and reptiles; 3) have a sound knowledge of pain mechanisms, recognition and treatment, 4) are able to recognise and work up errors, complications and abnormal findings in the perioperative monitoring, 5) have a good knowledge on which crystalloid or colloid solution should be used and when.

Our Anaesthesia and Pain Management Courses

Meet the ESAVS Anaesthesia and Pain Management team